West Hernando Coin Club Meetings the 2nd Monday of every month at V.F.W. Post 10209 14736 Edward R. Noll Dr.
Spring Hill, FL 3460
The objective of the Largo Coin Club is to encourage, dispense and promote the collecting and knowledge of coins, paper money, tokens, medals, etc. to cultivate fraternal relations among it's members. Meetings 2nd Wednesday each month http://largocoinclub.com/
Meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. http://clearwatercoinclub.50megs.com/
We welcome people interested in coins, currency, medals, tokens, and other collectibles.
We invite you to visit our meeting, listen to the program, participate in our auction, and generally discover what we do as the Ocala Coin Club.
The Brandon Coin Club meets the third Tuesday of every month at St. Andrews Church 3315 Bryan Rd.
Room 421 Brandon Fl Meetings start at 6:45 pm.
We are now about enriching our community through education in numismatics, teaching our future collectors about coins, and just having fun. JOIN us and find out about coins, make new friends, and have fun!
The primary focus of the Florida United Numismatists is education. http://www.funtopics.com/index.html
The American Numismatic Association is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to educating and encouraging people to study and collect coins and related items. The ANA serves the academic community, collectors and the general public with an interest in numismatics. https://www.money.org/